STEP 1: Start tracking your hair health
Create a simple diary to record any unusual experiences you’ve been having with your hair, such as more frequent clumps of hair in the shower drain, or an increased number of strands on your pillow. Record these daily observations for 1 or 2 months. This information can be extremely helpful for your doctor.
STEP 2: Feel free to bring the evidence
Jot down a list of any self-diagnostic tools and tests you’ve used, and bring any results to your appointment. You may also bring photos of your scalp, or even clumps of hair in a plastic bag for your doctor to examine. Don’t be shy — they are there to help.
STEP 3: Mention any recent lifestyle changes
Although thinning hair is usually due to genetic factors, remember that there are still other causes of hair loss in women, such as long-term everyday stress and, in more rare cases, a medical condition. So be sure to mention any recent lifestyle changes or habits — this information can be more important than you might think.
STEP 4: Check your family history
Your doctor will most likely want to do a detailed review of your medical history covering topics such as recent childbirth, surgeries or cancer treatments, menopause, and familial history of hereditary hair loss. To make the most of this visit, be sure to inquire about your family’s medical history, particularly pertaining to hair loss.